2 Best Ways to get paint out of the carpet in Atlanta Ga.
How Do You Properly Remove Paint Stains From Carpet?
Many people enjoy a homemade project to keep themselves active and be happy with friends and family. Living in Gwinnett County and metro Atlanta, you may want to paint your new home or redo the decoration of your current house. Or even find yourself helping kids with their school painting projects. A painting project can be very productive and fun. However, it can also leave your home carpet with unwanted stains or smears.
A good carpet can be expensive but treated well can last for a long time. If you find yourself in a situation where you splash or drop a painting on your carpet. Do not panic!
The first thing to do is to identify the type of painting on the carpet. This information will allow you to know the type of product and methods to use to clean the carpet.
In this article, we will give two different ways to remove the painting from the carpet.
1. How to remove the Acrylic Paint Out from the carpet
There are many ways to remove acrylic paint from the carpet. First, you will need to collect the following items:
- Soft Brush
- Towel
- Laundry Detergent
- Acetone Product / Commercial Carpet Cleaner
- Wet Vacuum Cleaner
Using the Laundry Detergent
First, you apply a tablespoon of laundry detergent to the carpet. Make sure you test the laundry detergent somewhere on the small area of the carpet before using it. Next, let the detergent reacts on the carpet for at least 10 min. And then, gently blot the paint out of the carpet using a wet towel.
The next step is to use the acetone product on the carpet or the commercial carpet cleaner.
Using Acetone Product
You can use nail polish remover or any other product containing acetone. Wear a mask before applying the product on the carpet. And use a small amount of acetone product on the carpet.
After, letting the acetone product sit on the carpet for at least 10 – 15 min. Scrub the carpet with a soft brush. Then, use the wet towel again to blot the product out of the carpet. Hopefully, the carpet is clean at this point. The final step is to vacuum the carpet using the wet vacuum cleaner.
Using Commercial Carpet Cleaner
If you don’t have an acetone product. You can use a commercial carpet cleaning product which is more efficient than many acetone products. Make sure you read the label on how to use the product and safety instructions.
Apply the carpet cleaner product on the carpet as instructed. Then, use the soft brush to remove the paint from the carpet. Blot any liquid on the carpet using a towel. Finally, vacuum the carpet with a wet vacuum cleaner.
These steps should do the work to remove the paint from the carpet. Nonetheless, if you still have trouble with the carpet:
Contact Carpet & Flooring Transformers at 770-236-1255 for professional carpet cleaning.
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2. How to Clean up Oil Paint out of the carpet
Before removing the oil paint from the carpet, you need to have the following items next to you:
- Putty knife
- White Towel
- Turpentine
- Laundry or Dishwasher detergent
- Warm water
The paint should be easy to remove if it is fresh on the carpet. Do not scrub the paint on the carpet. It will push the paint under the carpet and make it more difficult to remove.
Scrape the paint of the carpet and blot up the paint with a towel. Make sure you use warm water to wet the towel. Do not scrub or rub the paint while you are using the towel. Do the blotting until you are satisfied with the result. Add some turpentine on the towel and continue blotting again.
The next step is to use detergent to clean the carpet. Add a tablespoon of detergent and mix it with some warm water. Use the wet towel to sponge the area. Then finally, use the dry towel to soak the area up to dry.
If the oil paint is still not fully removed from the carpet or you are not fully satisfied with the work. It is time to contact a carpet cleaning expert.
Call Carpet & Flooring Transformers at 770-236-1255 for professional carpet cleaning.