Don’t Do It Yourself (DDIY)

It is a new year. And, you may be looking around your house feeling overwhelmed with the dirt leftover from the holiday cheer. Party spills, pet accidents and extra house traffic have left your carpet dull and smelling.

Getting your house organized and cleaned is a customary new year’s resolution. And, carpet cleaning should be a part of that process.

You may think a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach will help save money. However, while you may save a few dollars renting or purchasing carpet cleaning equipment, you won’t get the same results.

Professional carpet cleaning offers many benefits compared to trying to do it yourself.

Clean Deeper

Renting or purchasing carpet cleaning equipment may be helpful for small accidents. These types of machines can clean surface stains, but they won’t infiltrate deep through the carpet padding and get to the source of the stains and odors.

Commercial carpet cleaning equipment used by a professional is more powerful than rental equipment. Hire a professional for a deeper carpet clean. Carpet Transformers is your best solution! 770-236-1255

Done Right

Choosing to clean your own carpet means you will have to figure out how to work the equipment and what chemicals to use. If you do it yourself, you run the risk of causing more carpet harm than good.

Hiring a professional gives you an expert with the experience to do the job right. You can have peace of mind knowing that your carpets will be handled with the right care. Hire a professional to get the job done right. Carpet Transformers is your best solution! 770-236-1255

Save Time

Renting equipment involves extra time. You have to research, pick-up and return equipment. You have to spend time learning how to use the machines. And, then you spend a considerable amount of time cleaning the carpets.

Professional carpet cleaners can clean the carpet in a short amount of time, while you are free to do other things. Your time is valuable. Hire a professional to save time. Carpet Transformers is your best solution! 770-236-1255

Make an Investment

It may seem like renting equipment is cost-efficient. And, yes, you will save money in the short term. However, when you have professional cleaning, you are making a long-term investment in your carpet. The carpet will last longer. Your carpet is a part of your home investment. You want to protect and care for it.

Spend a little extra money now and give your carpet a longer lifespan, which ultimately saves you money in the long term. Hire a professional to make an investment in your carpet.

Before renting equipment call the experts at Carpet Transformers (770-236-1255) and find out how we can help.

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